About Us
It is with great pleasure that I would like to send a message to all the Brothers, Companions and visitors in general who visit our Web page.
The Supreme Grand Chapter of the Royal Arch of Ecuador is a Masonic institution, whose objective is to work for the improvement and spirituality of the Master Mason.
Our Supreme Grand Chapter have a Grand Charter Patent granted by the Supreme Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Scotland, so our tradition in this way of doing Freemasonry, refers to that elegant and interesting way of visualizing the individual work towards a joint work, in order to achieve that its members deploy their tools in the construction of a better Mason mainly and that their thoughts, words and actions are directed to be referents of our society in general as a great goal.
This is a message of greeting and hope, as our nascent body of Collateral degrees of Masonry, is framed in Regularity and Masonic Recognition, which means Legality, to offer to the Regular Master Masons, a path in which we intertwine our efforts to generate improvements based mainly on our Fellowship.
The Tradition of the Royal Arch of Scotland is just over 200 years old and it is in response to the trust placed in our hands that we have the great responsibility to maintain the Tradition that makes this body of Freemasonry so very active, through the Degrees and Orders that constitute the Supreme Grand Chapter of the Royal Arch of Ecuador.
This is a message of welcome and invitation to conform a body that we are constantly founding with new Chapters and Chapter Members; we seek to rediscover to be a good person, and the keystone of all this is the commitment to study and learning that allows us to know our Institutions in a better way, and subsequently, to be so strong that we can help from Charity in altruism.
We hope that this web page is to your liking and that together we can walk in this constant search for Masonic welfare, knowledge, wisdom and Fellowship.
Andrés Álvarez
First Grand Principal

Andrés Álvarez Moreira
First Grand Principal

Xavier Vázquez Domínguez
Second Grand Principal

Juan Morejón Mariño
Depute First Grand Principal

Byron Ojeda Oliva
Third Grand Principal
Héctor Vanegas y Cortazar
Honorary First Deputy Grand Principal
Office Bearers
Fernando Cueva Armijos
Grand Scribe E.
Miguel Dávila Sacoto
Grand Scribe N.
Luis Catillo Arellano
Grand Treasurer
Franklin Segarra Guevara
Grand Recorder
Raúl Estrada Alvia
Grand Chancellor
Bryan Castañeda Miranda
First Grand Sojourner
David Puga Bermúdez
Second Grand Sojourner
Marcelo Blanco Dávila
Third Grand Sojourner
Blasco León Palomeque
Grand Sword-Bearer
Francisco Chacón Ortiz
Grand Director of Ceremonies
Diego Hidalgo Almeida
Depute Grand Director of Ceremonies
Mauro Gudiño Cotacachi
Gran Superintendente de Trabajos
Alex Mora Arciniegas
First Grand Standard-Bearer
Cosme Bravo Mendoza
Second Grand Standard-Bearer
Ronald Watkins
Third Grand Standard-Bearer
José Chávez Unda
Fourth Grand Standard-Bearer
Doubosky Márquez Mantilla
First Grand Steward
Jorge Olmedo Espinoza
Second Grand Steward
Alfonso Boada Zurita
Third Grand Steward
José Espinosa Benítez
Fourth Grand Steward
Fausto Duque Mosquera
Fifth Grand Steward
Pablo Guerra Andrade
Sixth Grand Steward
Pedro Castro Falconí
Seventh Grand Steward
Pablo Castillo Arellano
Eighth Grand Steward
Alejandro Pentón Maldonado
Primer Gran Gaitero
Santiago Vallejo Vasquez
Segundo Gran Gaitero
Francisco Torres Rosstoni
Grand Organist
José Villagomez Albarez
Grand Janitor