Arrival of the delegation of the Supreme Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Scotland

MM.EE. CC. Ian Duncan, John Steel, Ramsay McGhee, Alan Buntain and Douglas Duncan, during the installation ceremony of the Supreme Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Ecuador.

On the occasion of the Consecration of the Supreme Grand Chapter of the Royal Arch of Ecuador and its Lodge Hall, as well as the installation of its Grand Principals and Grand Office Bearers, M. E. C. Ramsay McGhee, First Grand Principal of the Supreme Grand Chapter of the Royal Arch of Scotland and Grand Master Mason of the Grand Lodge of Scotland arrived in the city of San Francisco de Quito on October 16, 2024, accompanied by his retinue composed of MM. After being fraternally received by CC. CC. of the 4 chapters of the Royal Arch in Ecuador, they attended a small tour organized by the hosts in which they visited several emblematic places of our city, mainly the Museum of the Sun, the home of C.C. Voroshilov Bazante, artist of worldwide recognition, and the historical center of the city.

During the visit to the Museum of the Sun, in the “Middle of the World”, the visiting Companions learned about and experienced the geomagnetic attractions of the place.

Visiting the House-Museum of E.C. Voroshilov Bazante, Ecuadorian artist recognized worldwide for the quality of his work.

A walk through Quito's historic center, the largest and best preserved in the Americas.

Subsequently, and as a preamble to the ceremonies mentioned above, a conversation was held in which our illustrious visitors gave a very detailed view on the meaning of the existence of the Royal Arch as a pillar of world Freemasonry and solved the doubts that arose to the attendees.

During the discussion with members of the four Chapters of the Supreme Grand Chapter of the Royal Arch of Ecuador